It is the standard in the field of quality management: the ISO 9001. It is recognized worldwide, and by achieving the standard you demonstrate that your products and services are of certain quality: as the customer expects from you. Practically speaking, it is a measure of transparency and reliability.
Your company and the services you provide as a company have a certain quality. The ISO 9001 standard (full title: NEN-EN-ISO 9001) makes this quality visible and your certificate is proof of this. Various clients, such as governments and large companies, ask for ISO 9001 certification when they award you a contract or when you are asked to participate in a tender or quotation. ISO 9001 is recognized worldwide.
What does ISO 9001 mean for principals?
For your clients, this ISO standard in particular means "certainty". You have customer satisfaction in high regard, your product meets all legal and contractual requirements and your employees master the processes that the standard entails. But the quality standard obviously also has many advantages for your organization, namely..
As of September 1, 2015, the new ISO standardization is in effect. The requirements for ISO 9001 have been significantly modified/added to in certain areas. For example, the HLS structure has been applied, there is less focus on a manual and procedures and, among other things, more attention to stakeholders, risk approach and competencies of your employees. By now, everyone should have transitioned to the ISO 9001:2015 version.
To demonstrate the quality of your organization, the certifying body reviews the measures you have established for this purpose in a so-called ISO 9001 management system and tests these against your business operations. Achieving the ISO 9001 standard is all about identifying quality risks, addressing critical points and establishing processes within your organization where necessary.
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