Piping Material Specification

Explore the World of Piping
Standard No.... Doc. No....
Issue Date:.. Dec, 20194 of 15

Abbreviations for Piping Specifications

API American Petroleum Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BE Beveled Ends
BGO Beveled Gear Operator
BHN Brinnel Hardness Number
BLD Blind
BW Butt Weld
CI Cast Iron
CL Class
CPLG Coupling
CPVC Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
CR Chrome
CS Carbon Steel
CONC Concentric
CONN Connection
° Degree
DI Ductile Iron
DIA Diameter
DIM Dimension
DSAW Double Submerged Arc Welded
DWG Drawing
EA Each
ECC Eccentric
EFW Electric Fusion Welded
ELL Elbow
OL Integrally Reinforced Elbow Branch Connection ( e.g... elbolet )
ERW Electric Resistance Welded
FF Flat Face
FIG Figure
FLG Flange
FLGD Flanged
FRP Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe
FS Forged Steel
GALV Galvanized
GJ Ground Joint
GR Grade
GO Gear Operated
HAST Hastelloy
HEX Hexagonal
HORIZ Horizontal
INSUL Insulation
JF Joint Factor
LJ Lap Joint
LR Long Radius
LGTH Length
LOL Integrally Reinforced Lateral Branch Connection ( e.g... latrolet )
MATL Material
MFG Manufacturer
MI Malleable Iron
MIN Minimum
MO Molybdenum
MSS Manufacturer Standardization Society
NIPP Nipple
NPS Nominal Pipe Size
PE Plain Ends
PIP Process Industry Practice
PROJ Projection
PTFE Poly Terta Fluor Ethylene
R Radius
RF Raised Face
RTJ Ring Type Joint
SW Socket Weld
SCH Schedule
SCRD Screwed
SMLS Seamless
SOL Integrally Reinforced Socketweld Branch Connection ( e.g... sockolet )
SR Short Radius
SS Stainless Steel
STD Standard
TandC Threaded and Coupled
TFE Tetra Fluor Ethylene
THK Thickness
THRD Threaded
TOL Integrally Reinforced Threaded Branch Connection
TSW Threaded x Socket Weld
TYP Typical
VA Valve
VERT Vertical
WLD Weleded
WN Weld Neck
WOL Integrally Reinforced Buttweld Branch
WT Wall Thickness

Other Pages

  1. Table of contents
  2. Scope, codes, standards and references
  3. General and specific requirements
  4. Abbreviations for piping specifications
  5. Valve tag numbering
  6. Standard installation detail - Utility Station
  7. Special fabricated larger diameter reducers
  8. Four weld 90° LR Miter elbow
  9. Two weld 45° LR Miter elbow
  10. Perforated temporary conical strainers
  11. T-Type strainers
  12. Drip ring
  13. Product sampler cooler
  14. Tolerances for pipe fabrication
  15. Line Blinds NPS 1/2 - NPS 60

Explore the World of Piping

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