Coordination System..

Piping & Instrumentation Diagram
P&ID symbols for use with Heat Exchangers

PID symbol

HE / Cooler / Condenser, with Floating Head
PID symbol

HE / Cooler / Condenser, U-tube
PID symbol

HE / Cooler / Condenser, Fixed Tube Sheet
PID symbol

Cooler / Condenser, with Floating Head and Cover Plate
PID symbol

Horizontal Reboiler, Fixed Tube Sheet
PID symbol

Kettle-type Reboiler, U-tube
PID symbol

Kettle-type Vaporizer, Floating Head
PID symbol
Air-cooled HE, Forced Draught, (for induced draft, fan at top)
PID symbol
Air-cooled HE, Forced Draught, with automatic-variavle Pitch Fans (for induced draft, fan at top)
PID symbol

Kettle-type Vaporizer, Fixed Tube Sheet
PID symbol

Electric Heater
PID symbol

Plate HE
PID symbol

Box Cooler
PID symbol

Double-pipe HE

PID symbol
Vertical HE / Reboiler / Tubular Steam Generator / Cooler / Condenser, Fixed Tube Sheet
PID symbol
Vertical HE / Reboiler / Tubular Steam Generator / Cooler / Condenser, Floating Head
PID symbol

Aluminiun-brazed HE

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PFD symbol
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