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Buttweld Fittings

MFG BW Fittings

Dims. Buttweld Fittings

Dims. Stub Ends

Weights Buttweld Fittings

Threaded Fittings

Dims. Threaded Fittings

Socket Weld Fittings

Dims. Socket Weld Fittings

Branch Connections

Dims. Weldolets

Dims. Sockolets

Dims. Thredolets

Elbolet / Latrolet

Welding O-Let Fittings

Misc. Fittings

A pipe fitting is defined as a component used in a piping system, for changing direction, branching or changing pipe diameter, and which is mechanically connected to the system. - Werner S

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I must be old. I still believe in respect