Dimensions & Weights of Spades and Ring Spacers above 24 inch ASME B16.47 series A

Spades (Paddle blank) and Ring Spacers (Paddle spacer) ASME B16.47

Spades (Paddle blank) and Ring Spacers (Paddle spacer) ASME B16.47

Class 150 Others
NPS O.D. I.D. t C wt W d A H
26 769.4 635 39 50 20 200 25 25 30
28 826.5 685.8 41.9 50 20 200 25 25 30
30 877.3 736.6 44.8 50 25 200 25 25 30
32 934.8 787.4 47.6 50 25 200 25 25 30
34 985.6 838.2 50.5 50 25 200 25 25 30
36 1042.7 889 53.4 50 25 200 25 25 30
38 1106.2 939 53.4 50 25 200 25 25 30
40 1157 990.6 59.2 50 30 200 25 25 30
42 1214.2 1041.4 62 50 30 200 25 25 30
44 1271.3 1092.2 64.9 50 30 200 25 25 30
46 1322.1 1143 67.8 50 35 200 25 25 30
48 1379.3 1193.8 70.7 50 35 200 25 25 30
50 1429.8 1244.6 73.6 50 35 200 25 25 30
52 1486.9 1295.4 76.4 50 35 200 25 25 30
54 1544.1 1346.2 79.3 50 40 200 25 25 30
56 1601.2 1397 82.2 50 40 200 25 25 30
58 1658.4 1447.8 85.1 50 40 200 25 25 30
60 1709.2 1498.6 88 50 45 200 25 25 30
Class 300 Others
NPS O.D. I.D. t C wt W d A H
26 829.9 635 53.9 45 25 200 20 20 30
28 893.4 685.8 58 50 30 200 25 25 30
30 947.2 736.6 62.1 50 30 200 25 25 30
32 1001.3 787.4 66.1 50 30 200 25 25 30
34 1052.1 838.2 70.2 50 35 200 25 25 30
36 1112.6 889 74.3 50 35 200 25 25 30
38 1049.1 939 74.3 50 35 200 25 25 30
40 1109.3 990.6 82.4 50 40 200 25 25 30
42 1160.1 1041.4 86.5 50 45 200 25 25 30
44 1213.9 1092.2 90.6 50 45 200 25 25 30
46 1268 1143 94.6 50 45 200 25 25 30
48 1318.8 1193.8 98.7 50 45 200 25 25 30
50 1372.9 1244.6 102.8 50 50 200 25 25 30
52 1423.7 1295.4 106.9 50 50 200 25 25 30
54 1486.9 1346.2 110.9 60 50 200 30 30 30
56 1537.7 1397 115 60 55 200 30 30 30
58 1588.5 1447.8 119.1 60 55 200 30 30 30
60 1639.3 1498.6 123.2 60 60 200 30 30 30
Class 600 Others
NPS O.D. I.D. t C wt W d A H
26 861.6 635 75 40 35 200 20 20 30
28 909.4 685.8 80.8 40 40 200 20 20 30
30 959.9 736.6 86.5 50 45 200 25 25 30
32 1017 787.4 92.3 50 45 200 25 25 30
34 1061.8 838.2 98 50 45 200 25 25 30
36 1131.3 889 103.8 50 50 200 25 25 30
38 1099.6 939 103.8 50 50 200 25 25 30
40 1144.3 990.6 115.3 40 55 200 20 20 30
42 1214.2 1041.4 121.1 50 60 200 25 25 30
44 1265 1092.2 126.8 50 60 200 25 25 30
46 1315.5 1143 132.6 50 60 200 25 25 30
48 1379.3 1193.8 138.4 50 65 200 25 25 30
50 1442.8 1244.6 144.1 60 70 200 30 30 35
52 1493.6 1295.4 149.9 60 70 200 30 30 35
54 1544.1 1346.2 155.6 60 75 200 30 30 35
56 1607.6 1397 161.4 60 75 200 30 30 35
58 1652.3 1447.8 167.2 60 80 200 30 30 30
60 1728.5 1498.6 172.9 60 80 200 30 30 30
Class 900 Others
NPS O.D. I.D. t C wt W d A H
26 877.3 635 91.2 50 45 200 25 25 30
28 941.1 685.8 98.2 50 45 200 25 25 30
30 1004.6 736.6 105.3 60 50 200 30 30 30
32 1067.8 787.4 112.3 60 55 200 30 30 30
34 1131.6 838.2 119.4 60 55 200 30 30 30
36 1195.1 889 126.5 70 60 200 35 35 35
38 1195.1 939 126.5 70 60 200 35 35 35
40 1245.9 990.6 140.6 60 70 200 30 30 30
42 1296.7 1041.4 147.6 60 70 200 30 30 30
44 1363 1092.2 154.7 60 75 200 30 30 30
46 1430.1 1143 161.7 60 75 200 30 30 30
48 1480.9 1193.8 168.8 60 80 200 30 30 30

Weights in Kg
Pressure Class
Pressure Class
NPS weight
26 147.3 48.5 235.6 99.1
28 182 58.3 293.9 122.6
30 219.3 66.6 353.1 141.5
32 263.9 78.6 419.4 162
34 310.8 88 491.6 181.9
36 367.3 102.3 581.2 212.5
38 413.1 148 517.2 148.4
40 500.8 136 640.8 133.1
42 577.2 154.9 735.6 146.5
44 661.9 175.7 842.9 164.2
46 747.9 191.6 959.7 183.6
48 848.5 215.5 1082.6 199.2
50 948.5 232.5 1221.8 221.8
52 1064.4 259.3 1356.7 239.2
54 1191.4 288.9 1545.6 283.5
56 1327.6 320.1 1714.1 304.6
58 1473.9 353.7 1893.7 325.9
60 1619 377.9 2086.1 348.5
Pressure Class
Pressure Class
NPS weight
26 352.6 162.7 445.3 214.4
28 423 184.3 550.7 260.7
30 505.1 210.3 673.3 314.5
32 604 244.7 810.5 373.3
34 698.4 266 966.6 439.8
36 839.3 324.1 1142.7 514.8
38 793.2 278 1142.7 514.8
40 952.6 242 1378.6 512.2
42 1127.1 302.3 1566.6 561.3
44 1280.1 330.2 1813.4 654.5
46 1446.9 359 2085.4 758.7
48 1659.9 421.2 2333.9 823.1
52 2108.1 528.4
54 2338.4 567.5
56 2628.1 649.9
58 2875.7 674.8
60 3253.2 814.7

  1. Spades and spacer are sized for RF flanges
  2. Outside diameter has been calculated in function of ASME B16.47 A
  3. Gasket's inside diameter has been considered equal to pipe's inside diameter. Pipe schedule extra strong (thickness 12.7 mm)
  4. Thickness has been calculated ASME B31.3
  5. Corrosion allowance - 1.5
  6. Hole 6 mm diameter in spacer handle for visual purpose. Hole diameter for lifting lug.
  7. Tolerances..inside and outside diameter..+ 1.5mm - 1.5 mm Thickness..+1mm -0mm

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