PTFE envelope flange gaskets

PTFE envelope flange gaskets

A PTFE envelope gasket is a composite gasket, and consists of an envelope of PTFE with an insert. The envelope gasket is mainly used as a flange gasket in applications where high chemical and pressure resistance is required.

Because of the cold flow affinity of unfilled PTFE, PTFE composites are primarily used because PTFE wrapped gaskets are more resistant to stress relaxation.

Due to their high chemical resistance and excellent sealing properties, PTFE-wrapped gaskets have proven excellent in use at fluctuating pressures and temperatures from -195 °C to +250 °C.

PTFE-wrapped gasket(1)
PTFE-wrapped gasket(2)

Applications of PTFE envelope gaskets

In chemically aggressive environments, where contamination of the medium is not allowed, it is complicated to apply a standard gasket. Here PTFE envelope gaskets are applied as flange gaskets, for example in the (petro)chemical industry and in the process industry.

Envelope gaskets are also ideal for application in the food industry. PTFE is physiologically inert and can be used in direct contact with food.

Types and profiles of PTFE envelope gaskets

U-envelope For average and high pressures.
C-envelope with diffusion stop Specially designed gasket with a so-called 3 mm‎‏ thick diffusion stop.
Double U-envelope Suitable for high pressures. A sealed gasket with a linear upper side. Is applied in places where the medium may contact the upper side of the seal.
Donut envelope Suitable for high pressures. A sealed gasket with a round upper side. Is applied in places where the medium may contact the upper side of the seal.
C-envelope For average and high pressures, but is suitable for a more flexible inlay (for example rubber).
Y- or V-envelope A low cost solution for lower pressures. The inlay material is up to 2 mm thick.

There are many more types and profiles available, and the above versions are only examples of commonly used envelope gaskets....



Dimensions PTFE envelope flange gaskets conform‎‏ ASME B16.21
Class 150
1/2 48 x 21 89 x 21 4 16 60
1/2 48 x 21 89 x 21 4 16 60
3/4 57 x 27 95 x 27 4 16 70
1 67 x 33 108 x 33 4 16 79
1.1/4 76 x 42 117 x 42 4 16 89
1.1/2 86 x 48 127 x 48 4 16 98
2 105 x 60 152 x 60 4 19 121
2.1/2 124 x 73 178 x 73 4 19 140
3 137 x 89 191 x 89 4 19 152
3.1/2 162 x 102 216 x 102 8 19 178
4 175 x 114 229 x 114 8 19 191
5 197 x 141 254 x 141 8 22 216
6 222 x 168 279 x 168 8 22 241
8 279 x 219 343 x 219 8 25 298
10 340 x 273 406 x 273 12 25 362
12 410 x 324 483 x 324 12 29 432
14 451 x 356 533 x 356 14 29 476
16 514 x 406 597 x 406 16 32 540
18 549 x 457 635 x 457 16 32 578
20 606 x 508 699 x 508 20 32 635
24 718 x 610 813 x 610 20 35 749

sSTDStandard Envelope Gasket FFFull Face Envelope Gasket NPSNominal Pipe Size OD x IDOutside Diameter x Inside Diameter NBHNumber Of Bolt Holes DBHDiameter Of Bolt Holes PCDPitch Circle Diameter

Class 300
1/2 54 x 21 95 x 21 4 16 67
3/4 67 x 27 117 x 27 4 19 83
1 77 x 33 124 x 33 4 19 89
1.1/4 83 x 42 133 x 42 4 19 98
1.1/2 95 x 48 156 x 48 4 22 114
2 111 x 60 165 x 60 8 19 127
2.1/2 130 x 73 191 x 73 8 22 149
3 149 x 89 210 x 89 8 22 168
3.1/2 165 x 102 229 x 102 8 22 184
4 181 x 114 254 x 114 8 22 200
5 216 x 141 279 x 141 8 22 235
6 251 x 168 318 x 168 12 22 270
8 308 x 219 381 x 219 12 29 330
10 362 x 273 445 x 273 16 29 387
12 422 x 324 521 x 324 16 25 451
14 486 x 356 584 x 356 20 32 514
16 540 x 406 648 x 406 20 35 572
18 597 x 457 711 x 457 24 35 629
20 654 x 508 775 x 508 24 35 686
24 775 x 610 914 x 610 24 41 813

sSTDStandard Envelope Gasket FFFull Face Envelope Gasket NPSNominal Pipe Size OD x IDOutside Diameter x Inside Diameter NBHNumber Of Bolt Holes DBHDiameter Of Bolt Holes PCDPitch Circle Diameter

Class 600
1/2 54 x 21 95 x 21 4 16 67
3/4 67 x 27 117 x 27 4 19 83
1 77 x 33 124 x 33 4 19 89
1.1/4 83 x 42 133 x 42 4 19 98
1.1/2 95 x 48 156 x 48 4 22 114
2 111 x 60 165 x 60 8 19 127
2.1/2 130 x 73 191 x 73 8 22 149
3 149 x 89 210 x 89 8 22 168
3.1/2 162 x 102 229 x 102 8 25 184
4 194 x 114 273 x 114 8 25 216
5 241 x 141 330 x 141 8 29 267
6 267 x 168 356 x 168 12 29 292
8 321 x 219 419 x 219 12 32 349
10 508 x 273 445 x 273 16 35 432
12 559 x 324 521 x 324 20 35 489
14 603 x 356 584 x 356 20 38 527
16 686 x 406 648 x 406 20 41 603
18 743 x 457 711 x 457 20 44 654
20 813 x 508 775 x 508 24 44 724
24 791 x 610 940 x 610 24 51 838

sSTDStandard Envelope Gasket FFFull Face Envelope Gasket NPSNominal Pipe Size OD x IDOutside Diameter x Inside Diameter NBHNumber Of Bolt Holes DBHDiameter Of Bolt Holes PCDPitch Circle Diameter

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