CAESAR II - the Pipe Stress Analysis standard


CAESAR II is the Pipe Stress Analysis standard against which all others are measured and compared. The CAESAR II spreadsheet input technique revolutionized the way piping models are built, modified, and verified.

CAESAR II was the first pipe stress program specifically designed for the PC environment. The interactive capabilities permit rapid evaluation of both input and output, thereby melding seamlessly into the "design - analyze" iteration cycle.

CAESAR II incorporates a wide range of capabilities, from numerous piping codes, to expansion joint, valve and flange and structural data bases, to structural and buried pipe modeling, to equipment and vessel nozzle evaluation, to spectrum and time history analysis. Most of the features of CAESAR II are available at a keystroke, but at the same time are not imposed upon the analyst.

A menu driven scroll and select interface provides logical options when and where expected. Context sensitive help provides instant technical assistance for each data field, with expected units. Data values presented in the help screens are automatically presented in the current set of units to aid input.

The customization options of CAESAR II have been driven by user requests, code changes, and the need to benchmark older, existing systems and their initial design. Many of these customization options enable newer analysis techniques appearing in current literature.

As with all ICAS products, CAESAR II is continuously maintained and improved by the engineering staff, who have worked in industry for engineering and consulting firms. This experience not only guides program development, but provides users with knowledgeable support. This allows CAESAR II to work the way a typical engineer thinks and solves a problem.

Whether you are a one-man consulting company or a large corporation, if you are looking for a piping analysis program, CAESAR II is the best solution available period.

CAESAR II - the Pipe Stress Analysis standard

Data Input

  • CAESAR II makes it easy to input and display all the data needed to accurately define a piping system analysis model. Input can be accessed or modified on an element-by-element basis, or datasets can be selected to make global changes.

Cutting-edge Graphics

  • The CAESAR II input graphics module makes quick work of developing analysis models while clearly indicating areas of concern and providing an excellent idea of the piping system's flexibility. Color-coded stress models and animated displacements for any stress load case are available.

Design Tools and Wizards

  • Tools and wizards for tasks such as creating expansion loops or viewing plant models in the analysis space help bridge the gap between knowledge and experience. Such tools take the guess work out of producing accurate analysis and recommending practical design changes.

Analysis Options

  • Besides the evaluation of a piping system's response to thermal, deadweight and pressure loads, CAESAR II analyzes the effects of wind, support settlement, seismic loads and wave loads.
  • Nonlinear effects such as support lift off, gap closure and friction are also included. CAESAR II also selects the proper springs for supporting systems with large vertical deflections. Dynamic analysis capabilities include modal, harmonic, response spectrum and time history analysis.

Error Checking and Reports

  • The CAESAR II program includes an integrated error checker. This error checker analyzes the user input and checks for consistency from both a "finite element" and "piping" point of view. Reports are clear, accurate concise and fully user definable.

Material and Assemblies Databases

  • CAESAR II incorporates table look-ups for piping materials and components plus expansion joints, structural steel sections, spring hangers and material properties including allowable stress. This ensures correct datasets are used for each analysis. CAESAR II comes complete with major international piping codes.

Bi-directional Interface with Design

  • CAESAR II incorporates the industry's first and only seamless, bi-directional link between CAD plant design and engineering analysis. This link to Intergraph CADWorx® Plant allows the passing of design and analysis data between these packages without data loss.

CAESAR II - the Pipe Stress Analysis standard

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