Proved Natural Gas Reserves

at end 1991 at end 2001 at end 2010 Trillion cubic
Trillion cubic
Trillion cubic
Trillion cubic
US 4,74 5,2 8,2 299,83
Canada 2,72 1,7 1,79 70,02
Mexico 2,01 0,8 0,34 12,5
Total North America 9,47 7,70 10,33 382,35
Argentina 0,65 0,77 0,36 12,03
Bolivia 0,12 0,78 0,29 9,93
Brazil 0,13 0,22 0,42 15,99
Colombia 0,1 0,13 0,16 5,76
Peru 0,35 0,25 0,36 12,47
Trinidad and Tobago 0,24 0,58 0,39 14,17
Venezuela 3,59 4,18 5,46 195,19
Other S. and Cent. America 0,17 0,13 0,07 2,24
Total S. and Cent. America 5,31 7,01 7,47 267,74
Azerbaijan n/a 1,24 1,28 44,87
Denmark 0,11 0,15 0,06 1,63
Germany 0,17 0,2 0,07 2,2
Italy 0,34 0,17 0,1 3,08
Kazakhstan n/a 1,78 1,89 66,44
Netherlands 1,77 1,47 1,11 38,89
Norway 1,28 2,19 2,05 73,11
Poland 0,16 0,12 0,13 4,28
Romania 0,49 0,33 0,6 3,85
Russian Federation n/a 42,36 44,38 1574,98
Turkmenistan n/a 2,59 13,38 858,81
Ukraine n/a 1,01 0,94 33,02
United Kingdom 0,55 1,11 0,21 7,14
Uzbekistan n/a 1,68 1,61 56,59
Other Europe and Eurasia 50,11 0,46 0,29 10,02
Total Europe and Eurasia 54,92 56,78 68 2778,84
Bahrain 0,18 0,11 0,22 12,28
Iran 19,8 26,11 33,1 1168,57
Iraq 3,1 3,11 3,18 126,71
Kuwait 1,52 1,56 1,79 63,01
Oman 0,1 0,95 0,95 33,55
Qatar 6,43 25,79 25,05 884,53
Saudi Arabia 5,23 6,46 8,02 287,83
Syria 0,21 0,25 0,29 10,07
United Arab Emirates 5,8 6,06 6,09 215,07
Yemen 0,4 0,48 0,49 16,92
Other Middle East (2) 0,06 0,23 7,81
Total Middle East 42,73 70,9 79,37 2826,29
Algeria 3,63 4,53 4,51 159,06
Egypt 0,4 1,56 2,22 77,34
Libya 1,31 1,32 1,5 52,8
Nigeria 3,41 4,64 5,12 180,46
Other Africa 0,79 1,11 1,21 43,54
Total Africa 9,52 13,14 14,53 513,19
Australia 0,95 2,67 3,67 132,76
Bangladesh 0,73 0,35 0,36 12,51
Brunei 0,4 0,36 0,31 10,18
China 1,01 1,37 2,86 107,75
India 0,74 0,77 1,15 43,83
Indonesia 1,85 2,61 2,97 104,71
Malaysia 1,68 2,49 2,44 86,01
Myanmar 0,28 0,35 0,23 7,81
Pakistan 0,76 0,75 0,82 27,51
Papua New Guinea 0,41 0,43 0,45 15,61
Thailand 0,25 0,38 0,3 9,95
Vietnam (2) 0,2 0,62 21,8
Other Asia Pacific 0,32 0,39 0,36 12,13
Total Asia Pacific 9,33 13,06 16,47 592,49
Total World 131,24 168,55 196,14 7360,86
of which.. OECD 15,18 16,09 18,09 660,2
Non-OECD 116,06 152,46 178,05 6700,66
European Union 3,76 3,63 2,33 64,41
Former Soviet Union 49,78 50,88 63,55 2638,54

at end 2011 Share
of total
Trillion cubic
US 8,49 4,1% 13,04
Canada 1,99 1,0% 12,36
Mexico 0,36 0,2% 6,75
Total North America 10,84 5,3% 12,53
Argentina 0,35 0,2% 8,78
Bolivia 0,29 0,1% 18,3
Brazil 0,46 0,2% 27,1
Colombia 0,17 0,1% 14,88
Peru 0,36 0,2% 31,07
Trinidad and Tobago 0,41 0,2% 9,87
Venezuela 5,53 2,7% (1)
Other S. and Cent. America 0,07 (3) 23,71
Total S. and Cent. America 7,59 3,6% 45,22
Azerbaijan 1,28 0,6% 85,79
Denmark (2) (3) 6,52
Germany 0,07 (3) 6,22
Italy 0,09 (3) 11,37
Kazakhstan 1,89 0,9% 97,63
Netherlands 1,11 0,5% 17,16
Norway 2,07 1,0% 20,41
Poland 0,13 0,1% 28,29
Romania 0,11 0,1% 9,91
Russian Federation 44,6 21,4% 73,48
Turkmenistan 24,32 11,7% (1)
Ukraine 0,94 0,4% 51,29
United Kingdom 0,21 0,1% 4,47
Uzbekistan 1,61 0,8% 28,11
Other Europe and Eurasia 0,29 0,1% 29,4
Total Europe and Eurasia 78,69 37,8% 75,93
Bahrain 0,35 0,2% 26,8
Iran 33,1 15,9% (1)
Iraq 3,59 1,7% (1)
Kuwait 1,79 0,9% (1)
Oman 0,95 0,5% 35,83
Qatar 25,05 12,0% (1)
Saudi Arabia 8,16 3,9% 82,14
Syria 0,29 0,1% 34,26
United Arab Emirates 6,09 2,9% (1)
Yemen 0,48 0,2% 50,75
Other Middle East 0,23 0,1% 49,32
Total Middle East 80,04 38,4% (1)
Algeria 4,51 2,2% 57,75
Egypt 2,2 1,1% 35,75
Libya 1,5 0,7% (1)
Nigeria 5,12 2,5% (1)
Other Africa 1,24 0,6% 63,41
Total Africa 14,54 7,0% 71,71
Australia 3,76 1,8% 83,61
Bangladesh 0,36 0,2% 17,81
Brunei 0,29 0,1% 22,51
China 3,06 1,5% 29,76
India 1,25 0,6% 26,9
Indonesia 2,97 1,4% 39,23
Malaysia 2,44 1,2% 39,42
Myanmar 0,23 0,1% 17,82
Pakistan 0,78 0,4% 19,89
Papua New Guinea 0,45 0,2% (1)
Thailand 0,29 0,1% 7,61
Vietnam 0,62 0,3% 72,3
Other Asia Pacific 0,35 0,2% 18,92
Total Asia Pacific 16,78 8,0% 35,02
Total World 208,44 100,0% 63,63
of which.. OECD 18,7 9,0% 16,01
Non-OECD 189,75 91,0% 90,01
European Union 1,83 0,9% 11,77
Former Soviet Union 74,72 35,8% 96,27


(1) More than 100 years
(2) Less than 0.05
(3) Less than 0.05%

Proved reserves of oil - Generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions.

Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratio - If the reserves remaining at the end of any year are divided by the production in that year, the result is the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at that rate.

Reference(s) of data - The estimates in this table have been compiled using a combination of primary official source and third-party data from Cedigaz and the OPEC Secretariat.

Graphics of global Natural Gas Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios

World Proved Gas Reserves

World natural gas proved reserves in 2010 were sufficient to meet 58.6 years of global production. R/P ratios declined for each region, driven by rising production. The Middle East once again had the highest regional R/P ratio, while Middle East and Former Siviet Union regions jointly hold 72% of the world's gas reserves.

Reference(s) ..

BP (British Petroleum)

Other Pages

Part 1..
Introduction to fossil fuels

Part 2..
Oil and Gas exploration

Part 3..
Oil & Gas extraction

Part 4..
Transport & Storage of Crude Oil & Natural Gas

Part 5..
Petroleum Refining Processes

Part 6..
Facts from the Oil Industry

Part 7..
Current Crude Oil prices

Part 8..
Proved Global Oil Reserves

Part 9..
Proved Natural Gas Reserves

Part 10..
The End of the Oil Age?

Explore the World of Piping

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