Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

60-51 questions

60. is astm sa106 and astm a106are same?
59. rtj facing vs rf facing
58. from welding neck flange to a socket weld flange, in pressure class 2500
57. guidelines for corrosion allowance of steel pipes
56. hydrotest, precommessioning and commessioning, pigging and flushing
55. engineering, procurement and construction management (epcm)
54. welding flange ball valves deadman
53. may i joint or match an rtj flange with a rf flange?
52. ...frp or jacketed pipe and fittings to your website?
51. i just wanted to say thanks to you for your time in explaning people

Question 60.. is astm sa106 and astm a106are same?

Dear Sir,
I am having some queries. I searched in internet for the answers, but it is not useful. So please give me correct answer for the following questions.

  1. What are the main differences between ASTM SA106 Gr. B and ASTM SA 53 Gr. B?
  2. Is ASTM SA 106 Gr. B and ASTM A106 Gr. B are same?
  3. In real application, can we use ASTM SA53 Gr. B instead of ASTM SA106 Gr. B?
  4. Is there any pressure or temperature factors differentiating this two materials?

Thanks and Regards
Lead Piping Engineer

Answer (according to BPVC) from Werner Sölken

1. See the differences between ASTM A106 and ASTM A53

2. SA means that the ASTM standard has been approved / adopted by the BPVC
(Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code by ASME).

ASME says about ASTM A53.. there are no differences.
ASME says about ASTM A106.. Identical, except for editorial differences at 8.1, 13.4, and 24.1 and deletion of ASTM caveat 1.5 (these are articles referring to the BPVC).

3. Yes, you can use A53 standard instead of A106, but you need permission from your engineer. There are differences in the two standaads.

greetings Werner


Question 59.. rtj facing vs rf facing

I have flanges Class 10"-2500, Sch/Thick 38 mm, ASTM A 105N, RTJ face.
The matching Valves are found to be identical rating but RF.
I have decided to machine off the RTJ facing to RF since I find it will dimensionally fit.
Is this acceptable.

Lead Piping Engineer

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi K.V.Kamath,
Your question is simple, and my answer even.. NO
Why did the engineering company has been determined an RTJ connection?.
Ask your engineer, and he will tell you why.
In the near future, I will write an article about RTJ vs RF.

greetings Werner

From.. K.V.Kamath / Abu Dhabi Branch, UAE


Question 58.. from Welding Neck flange to a Socket Weld flange, in pressure class 2500

I am designing a flange mounted Valve for use on compressors.
The Valve will utilize a B16.5 Welding Neck flange 1"-Class 2500.
The other site of that Valve must be modified to provide a Socket Weld configuration.
The Valve body will fit into the socket and a fillet weld will be used.
The customer has indicated that the welding must be done ASME B31.3.

My question is.. how do I determine the required weld size. Is that spelled out in B31.3?
(I do not yet have a copy of this standard)

Thanks for any help you can provide.
And thanks for your website; it has been very informative and helpful.
Best regards,
John Craychee

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi John Craychee,
Which pressure class has the Socket Weld side (after the Valve)?

greetings Werner


Question 57.. guidelines for corrosion allowance of steel pipes

On your website Corrosion Allowance. I saw some guidelines for corrosion allowance of steel pipes and would like to find what lifespan of the pipes are these numbers based on?

Shamie Ramroop, PE
Project Engineer

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Shamie Ramroop
At the bottom of Corrosion Allowance you will find the "Remark(s) of the Author".
That is my answer to your question.

greetings Werner


Question 56.. hydrotest, precommessioning and commessioning, pigging and flushing

Dear Werner Sölken
first of all i wanna thank you for the great effort you did on your website it's realy very impressive but i would like if you added an overview about the following subjects..

  • hydrotest
  • precommessioning and commessioning
  • pigging and flushing
  • cathodic protection
  • DT and NDT
  • wellhead assembly
  • flowlines and pipelines

and what you see is good for piping engineers, thank you for your time and consideration
Safwan a.Yousef

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Safwan Yousef, Algeria
On December 21, 2008, this website is officially online and is continuously expanded (see "about" at the top of my website).

In the near future, all your questions or recommendations will be answered by me.
Have a little patience.

greetings Werner


Question 55.. engineering, procurement and construction management (epcm)

Nice to see many piping information on your website at one location.
I am working with Reliance Industries-India having lots of projects constructions are in progress. I request, if you can recommend, any systems available for management of EPCM activity of projects.
Regards, Mehul Mehta

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Mehul Mehta,
EPCM stands for Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management, at least I know. There are many different opinions, do a Google search.
The EPCM Consultants Homesite says "We Provide a range of project services, from feasibility studies to commissioning and operations support".
To make matters more confusing, there's another acronym sometimes, namely EPC. Is EPC different from EPCM?
I am sorry I can not help you.

greetings Werner


Question 54.. welding flange Ball Valves deadman

Hola desde Spain,
Me gustarìa saber como se dibuja en los PID las deadman flange Ball Valves, because I don't have this symbol.
Best regards, Jose

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Jose,
2 weeks ago I ordered 4 of these Valves.

In the pictures, you have send with your email, I see Ball Valves. Use the Ball Valve symbol. Later, when the isometrics are made, make a note directly at the Valve. In the long text of your note, you can give more specifications about the Valve(s).
Note.. it is better to refer to a specification that comes from the customer.

greetings Werner


Question 53.. may i joint or match an rtj flange with a rf flange?

Dear Srs, Good moorning,
I would like get your support about the next..
I'm working an engineering specs for pipelines and flow transmiters. The question is, May I joint or match an RTJ flange with a RF flange?. I have specs for RTJ ANSI 1500, 4" pipe. Can they mate or definitly RTJ and RF are completly differentes?
Giovanny Armando Serrano.

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Giovanny,
A connection between a RF flange and a RTJ flange, is actually not possible...

greetings Werner


Question 52.. ...frp or jacketed pipe and fittings to your website?

I'm a piping designer in Pittsburgh, PA. I wanted thank you for providing a valuable tool that I regularly use and share with my fellow designers.
Do you have any plans on adding plastic, FRP or jacketed pipe and fittings to your website?

Thanks again...Jim McGregor

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi James,
Here in the Netherlands, the petrochemical and chemical industry, are very skeptical about FRP and other "non STEEL piping".
I was involved in a project, FRP pipes which were used as test. The project wast considered positive, but the whole project wast canceled.

About Jacketed pipe.
One of my projects, jacketed pipe, was a complete challenge, compared to my normal activities. I made isometrics and 3D models for the customer to explain what I intended...nobody understood. I have (with permission), to carry out the change, and it works perfectly.

For jacketed systems, you need a person who is familiar with that sort of systems.

Your question..
Do you have any plans on adding plastic, FRP or jacketed pipe and fittings to your website?
My answer..
Not at this time.
Perhaps you have a reason why I should take this into my website.

greetings Werner


Question 51.. i just wanted to say thanks to you for your time in explaning people

Dear Mr Sölken
Top of the day.

My name is Maria Lucia Restrepo, I am a student of mechanical engineering in Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Currently I am working on my final project, it is about mechanical design of piping systems.
I found your web site and it has been a great help to guide me through the world of piping.
I just wanted to say thanks to you for your time in explaning people about this wonderful topic.

Have a good day.
Maria Lucia Restrepo

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Maria,
Thanks for your compliments on my website.
If I can help you with your final project, let me know.

greetings Werner


Question 50.. thank you for taking the time to put all this information together in one place

I just found your website. I was just recently commenting on how there is no centralized source of information on pipe, Valves, fitting and piping on the internet. I can no longer make that comment! Although I have only scratched the surface of your website, it is, by far, the best I have ever seen. Thank you for taking the time to put all this information together in one place. I am sure our organization will be using the website often. Keep up the great work!

James R. Macek

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi James,
Thanks for your compliments on my website.
I will continue to provide information, to anyone who is interested.

Unfortunately there are people who abuse my site. Recently I found a "Company" that has copied all content of my entire site, and has it put online under its own name.
I hope that Google and the provider of that person or company can stop this illegal activity.

greetings Werner


Question 49.. expansion of a stainless steel tube to be used in refrigeration coils

I would like to know about the expansion of a stainless steel tube to be used in refrigeration coils. What methods are used.. hydraulic (and what pressure is required for steel grade 430). Any information will be highly appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Mbuso Yende

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Mbuso Yende,
I can not give a answer to your question.

At the moment I work for a company that needs refrigeration units in their daily process.

They use the knowledge of..

greetings Werner


Question 48.. i wants to know about the drawbacks of hi-lo in pipe joints (butt weld-v)

Dear Mr.Werner,
I am Arun from India, working as a Piping Engineer.
I wants to know about the drawbacks of Hi-Lo in pipe joints (Butt weld-V).
Pipe was damaged and its shape deformed as a oval shape(18" STD A53 grb).
Fitter tried his level maximum to correct it, but not match in one location around 150mm (4 mm out). I passed the joint and started welding.
I wants to know, it will weaken joint strength. What is the drawback of these concerns.

Thanks in advance

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Arun,
There is a lot of knowledge and work needed, to prefab uneven pipe diameters and may be with different wall thicknesses.
I can not tell from my website how to do that. This is purely a matter of experience.

What I can tell you is.. make sure that the preparation (made by your pipefitter) can not be changed during welding.

greetings Werner


Question 47.. would this rupture disc need to be set at the same pressure as

Have designed a reactor with design specifications set at -1 / 6 barG including overhead condensers x 2 (water cooled).
To be used under full vacuum as well as slightly positive pressure at various stages of the process.
Normal atmospheric operating pressure +/- 0.5 barG. Reactor volume is 32 m3 and works with Iso Propyl Alcohol with a normal head space of 12m3 at a maximum temperature of 95° C.
Have included an outlet nozzle at DN80 to fit a pressure safety Valve that will exhaust to an external collection tank.
I will install a stainless steel safety Relief Valve at 2.5 barG and would appreciate your thoughts on fitting a rupture disc to run alongside with the safety Valve. Would this rupture disc need to be set at the same pressure as the safety Relief Valve or should it be set at a slightly lower pressure?

Thank You

Answer from Werner Sölken

Well, my name is Werner,
which code (ASME, DIN, or whatever), the reactor is designed?.


Question 46.. Stud Bolts made of 21CrMoV5-7 / W1.7709

Hello ! Dear Mr. Sölken,
Thank you very much for the huge work you have made with the website and sharing with us your knowledge.
If is possible to help me with the issue of substitute Stud Bolts made of 21CrMoV5-7 / W1.7709 with A193 B16, substitution not accepted by many engineers.
Is any reasonable reason by not accepting A193 B16 (his similar is W1.7711) instead of W1.7709 and then what ASME material for bolting can replace 21CrMoV5-7 without any other issues?
I need this in many projects and W1.7709 is more expensive and hard to supply than A193 B16.
Many thank again for your work and looking forward after your answer !
Cu stima / Kind Regards,

Answer from Werner Sölken

I can not help you with your inquiry. I assume that in your specification, bolts and nuts in the quality 21CrMoV5-7 / W1.7709 be requested. There is a reason why this quality is specified. Option, discuss the alternatives with your client.

greetings Werner


Question 45.. are the fittings and flange dimensional charts available in imperial?

Are the fittings and flange dimensional charts available in imperial rather than metric?
We are living in the past in the U.S. ! J
Mike Walker

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Mike,

greetings Werner


Question 44.. while taking my two border collies

Good afternoon Werner,
While taking my two border collies for their lunch time run through the woods across from a sluice a lady with her sheep-dog came along and we started talking.
Her name is Bianca, (whom you undoubtedly know) and she told me about your web-site. Hence this mail.

What a brilliant piece of work it is too !

Although near to retirement, I still work in the Subsea Services Department of Allseas in Delft (The Netherlands). (ROV survey and lay support)
Will pass on your site details to our engineers since there are frequently discussions, especially about the type of flanges they should use. Hope you don't mind the engineering explanation in the mail received from my colleague.

Kind Regards

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Karl,
Normally I place these mails not in "Question and Answers".
But if you've met my wife I make an exception! :-}
Of course I'm very happy that I maybe you and your colleagues can help.
A general answer on flanges, I can not give, but they are the most important components in a pipe line system.
All questions of your colleagues are welcome.

greetings Werner

PS.. I've changed some names


Question 43.. deleted

Question 42.. pressure-temperature rating tables for asme b16.36 orifice flanges

I am writing you today because I am curious to know if the flange pressure-temperature rating tables in ASME B16.5 can be applied to orifice flanges as well? As a manufacturer of orifice flanges, I believe you guys may know the answer. ASME B16.36 deals with orifice flanges but does not mention if the pressure and temperature relationship is similar with the non-orifice flanges. I'd like to know the maximum pressure a given orifice flange may hold.
I would very much like your assistance in the matter,

Have a good day,
Stanley Julien

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hello Stanley,
The pressure-temperature ratings, including all use recommendations and limitations, and the method of rating given in ASME B16.5 apply to orifice flanges ASME B16.36.

greetings Werner


Question 41.. toleranties boutgat diameter - tolerances bolt hole diameter

Beste Werner,
Ik heb een vraag. Het antwoordt, als jij deze hebt, kan wellicht een mooie toevoeging zijn aan jouw website..
ASME B16.5-2003 §7 Tolerances..
De nominale dimensies van ASME flenzen worden beschreven in de norm, echter de toleranties van deze dimensies gedeeltelijk. Ik probeer te achterhalen wat de tolerantie op de boutgatdiameter van een ASME flens is ( Website.. FLG / Welding Neck Flanges / Dimensie 'L' ). Heb jij enigs idee waar ik deze informatie kan vinden? In de ASME B16.5-2003 norm kan ik hier niets over vinden.Bijvoorbaad dank ! / Kind regards
ing. Ron S. Dijkmans

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hello Ron,
The answer is simple.. ASME B16.5 gives no tolerances for bolt hole diameters, not even the latest version 2009.

ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
Published Interpretations

Interpretation.. 2-7
Subject.. Bolt Hole Tolerances
Date Issued.. June 18, 1990
File.. B16-90-09
Question.. Does B16.5-1988 have any requirements for tolerances on bolt hole diameters?
Reply.. No.

greetings Werner



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