Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

100-91 questions

100. we have discover that iso flanges are slight different for our standard gaskets
99. information about piping design
98. split tee type hot tapping equipment
97. raised faced spectacles, blanks and spacers
96. which tee pipe standard would best identifies the most commonly...?
95. can we get a slip on flange with a forged body?
94. what is the function of tsp valve (twin seal plug valve)?
93. you are correct, there is no precise place to go for this info
92. butt welded elbows are available in 304 stainless steel
91. is there a world standard on support symbols that we can use?

Question 100.. we have discover that iso flanges are slight different for our standard gaskets

Dear Mrs. / Sir.
I'm Ben Hammer The Agent of Kroll and ziller Germany. for the Israeli Market -
The company is manufactory of Rubber steel gaskets.
Our National water Company is using Flanges ISO - PN 16 and PN 40.
We use standard Gaskets is DIN 2690 and EN 1514-1 without any problems for years.
Now we have discover that the ISO Flanges are slight different for our standard gaskets.
Do the Standard between thus 3 standards are different?
I will appreciate very much to have your answer

Thank you very much
Ben Hammer

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Ben,
I can not tell you why suddenly there are minor differences between your gaskets and flanges.
In recent years, many flange standards changed, but in principle the dimensions of the flanges are not.
Ask your supplier of flanges, maybe he can give an answer.

Make a simple check..
In the main Menu "DIN" you will find the dimensions of DIN flanges, make sure you dimensions of flanges and gaskets common with it.

greetings Werner


Question 99.. please give us some information about piping design

Hello Mr. Werner,
I am Alireza, a piping engineer. I have 2 years experience in oil and gas industry.
I visited your remarkable website. I appreciate your efforts to transfer your extensive experiences to amateur piping engineers like me. In your website I didn't see any information about piping design, such as pumps piping, towers piping, heat exchangers piping,.. and how to layout equipments. Please give us some information about this topics.

Best regards.

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Alireza,
On December 21, 2008, is officially online and is continuously expanded.
For some time, I am writing articles about piping design, piping layouts etc..
I expect to be busy for a while before I can put the items online. So, now I can not help you. But if you have patience, in a few weeks you will find more information on my website.

greetings Werner


Question 98.. split tee type hot tapping equipment

We are in need of Split Tee type Hot tapping equipment for our 48x12 class 600 Gas pipe line. Pipe material is API 5 LX Grade 70.
Kindly advise if you can provide us your services in India.

Best regards,
Vyanu Vyas
Filatex India Limited , Gujarat

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Vyanu Vyas,
I am not a manufacturer or supplier of piping materials.

A split tee of this size is probably not a stock item and must be manufactured by a recognized company. Below some manufacturers / suppliers..

Furmanite  | TEAM Industrial Services  | T.D.Williamson, Inc.

greetings Werner


Question 97.. raised faced spectacles, blanks and spacers

Please clarify the Raised faced spectacles, blanks and spacers

Ramana Babu / India

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Ramana Babu,

ASME B16.48 says.. A raised face may be specified at the option of the purchaser.

This would add machining time and complexity so the price would be higher. Call this the Bugatti or Rolls Royce of the line blind world.

Personally, I have seen that version once or twice somewhere. The version without Raised Face is the default and is used everywhere.

Look at Spectacle Blinds and/or Spades at the bottom of each page.

greetings Werner


Question 96.. which tee pipe standard would best identifies the most commonly...?

Which tee pipe standard would best identifies the most commonly found tee used with schedule 40S pipe?
Which description is more correct?

MSS SP-43, T-PIPE NPS 2.1/2 (DN65) Sch 10S B36.19M ASTM A403 WP316L Forged Material:WP316L, Standard:MSS SP-43, Text.. Ø 2.88x0.120 (73,0x3.05mm), C=M=3.00 (76mm)

ASME B16.9, T-PIPE NPS 2.1/2 (DN65) Sch 40S B36.19M ASTM A403 WP316L Forged Material:WP316L, Standard:ASME B16.9, Text.. Ø 2.88x0.203 (73,0x5.16mm), C=M=3.00 (76mm)

Suggested changes to these descriptions are welcome.

Mike Wieber, Metso Group

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Mike,

1. TEE EQ 2.1/2-40S-B16.9-A403 WP316L-SMLS

For every reputable supplier of pipes and fittings, description 1 is sufficient.

greetings Werner


Question 95.. can we get a Slip On flange with a forged body?

Good Morning..
One of our engineers asked me if we can get a Slip On flange with a forged body?

Glad I found your website.

Kindest regards,
Vicki L. Decker, Jeannette, Pennsylvania US

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Vicki,
Simple answer.. Yes.
Most flanges, which I describe on my website are forged flanges.
Check out my page about.. ASTM A105

greetings Werner


Question 94.. what is the function of tsp valve (twin seal plug valve)?

Dear Werner,
What is the Function of TSP Valve (Twin Seal Plug Valve) - Service is Oil or Liquid Hydrocarbon -Line size is 2inch
Sandeep Birje, Piping Designer (Mumbai,India)

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Sandeep Birje,
Think of Double Block and Bleed...
Check out the site of..

Cameron International Corporation

You will find everything about Twin Seal Plug Valves.

greetings Werner

Thx a lot for the Information, Sir.


Question 93.. you are correct, there is no precise place to go for this info

I like your site. This is full of great info, and, you are correct, there is no precise place to go for this info.
Very nice, good luck. One thing, perhaps you might put a home page in. It is most common and people will go there first for bearings as to where to go from there.
Bryce / Vero Beach, Florida

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Bryce,
Thanks for your compliments.
My homepage is, and I know it can be better.
But.. for each user, my site should be open quickly, so I have created a simple start page.

greetings Werner


Question 92.. butt welded elbows are available in 304 Stainless Steel

Good Afternoon,
Can I ask whether your 90 degree butt welded elbows are available in 304 Stainless Steel please? It is the 3 inch Nominal Pipe we are interested in?
Kind Regards
Jason Alln / EMCEL Filters Limited

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Jason,
I think in your country, many suppliers can deliver what you requested.
Maybe I do not understand your question.

greetings Werner


Question 91.. is there a world standard on support symbols that we can use

We are working on a project at Sasol Secunda. We stumbled upon a issue with the support symbols. Is there a world standard on support symbols that we can use, or must we create our own symbols.
Will appreciate it if you can send me some info in this regard.

Gerhard Koekemoer
Secunda, South-Africa

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Gerhard,
There are no standard symbols for pipe supports.
Your question has been asked me many times, and soon, I'll write an article with useful examples. At the moment, unfortunately I can not help.

greetings Werner



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