Questions & Answers

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140-131 questions

140. can you please update the link...
139. recommendations for coatings to put on spectacle blinds
138. what about bolt hole orientation for the flanges ns 2539 and etc.?
137. i enjoy your site
136. is a flange 3" 300lb ansi B16.5 equal to ASME B16.5?
135. calculating stud bolt lengths
134. pipe run is STD, branch connection is XS, which schedule of reducing tee I have to use?
133. small bore valve (2" and below) must be on rating 800#?
132. can i use iso3506-01/iso 3506-02 instead of sa193/sa194?
131. whats the diffrence between ball and orbit valve?

Question 140.. can you please update the link...


Thank you so much for this wonderful website.

Can you please update the link "Stud Bolts General" in the bolts section which is no more available ?

Nidal Kochrad
Trainee at Société Gardoise d'Application Industrielle (FRANCE)

Answer from Werner Sölken

Bonjour Nidal,

Yours and compliments from other visitors gives me the impetus to continue with my website; thanks for that!

The reference to "Stud Bolts General" is restored.

greetings Werner


Question 139.. recommendations for coatings to put on spectacle blinds

Thanks for the effort on the website. It has been a god help on many topics.
Do you have any recommendations for coatings to put on spectacle blinds. If these are left to weather they become redundant and unable to be used?

James Chandler
Mechanical Project Engineer

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi James,
I mentioned earlier that I have no preference for spectacle blinds.
Wherever a spectacle blind, can not rust, it's ok for me, but still, I see no advantage to using Spectacle Blinds.

A surface treatment for Spectacle Blinds, I do not know. Maybe the grease which is used for the bolts, can prevent corrosion.

greetings Werner


Question 138.. what about bolt hole orientation for flanges...?

What about Bolt Hole Orientation for the flanges NS 2539 and etc.?
Thank you advance.

Best regards,

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Vladimir,
...centerline rule for flanges, understood and followed by all responsible equipment manufacturers and piping fabricators, is my answer on Bolt Hole Orientation .

Norwegian Standard (NS) Flanges, probably tells you nothing about Bolt Hole Orientation, because it is not a official appointment.

Simple, take two flanges NPS 2 class 150, where one hole, on both flanges, is at the top, and then install a standard NPS 2 class 150 gate valve...tell me, in which position is the hand wheel?

greetings Werner


Question 137.. i enjoy your site

Just wanted to say I enjoy your site. Great source of information.
Med vänliga hälsningar / Kind Regards

Lars Petersson (Sverige)

Answer from Werner Sölken

bedankt Lars


Question 136.. is a flange 3" 300lb ansi B16.5 equal to ASME B16.5?

Good day
Is a flange 3" 300lb ANSI B16.5 equal to ASME B16.5?
I always confuse when chosing a flange.

thanks in advance for your kind reply
Carlo D. (Mechanical)

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Carlo,
Once there was an ANSI B16.5. In 1988 it became ANSI / ASME B16.5, and then, in 1996 it became ASME B16.5

see ANSI B16.5 or ASME B16.5 or both?

greetings Werner


Question 135.. calculating stud bolt lengths

Good day
Upon looking under the bolts tab and finding the equation
Method for calculating Stud Bolt lengths
The Stud Bolt theoretical length can be calculated by means of the formula..
L = 2 (s + n + h + rf) + g
And looking within the ASME B16.5 standard for 300 class, it states that this is only valid for flanges up to 24 inches.
What if your flange size is a 48 inch. Would this equation be still valid?

Thank you all for your attention and time to the above,
Harold Torres

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Harold,
The formula is valid for all flange connections.
The basic is the thickness of the flange-plate (h), the height of the raised face (rf) and the thickness of the gasket (g).
These three dimensions you need to know in order to calculate the length of a Stud Bolt.

Other dimensions and notes are given on Calculating Stud Bolt lengths

Calculating Stud Bolt lengths

greetings Werner


Question 134.. pipe run is STD, branch connection is 1.1/2 in XS, then which schedule of reducing tee I have to use?

If I have main pipe run inch is 3 in schedule STD and branch connection is 1.1/2 in schedule XS, then which schedule of reducing tee I have to use.
Regards,Pradip B. Mahadik
Lead Piping Designer

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Pradip B. Mahadik,
By the way, my name is Werner.

If you apply a reducing Tee, and where the wall thickness of the branch-line is thicker as the runpipe, you should use the wall thickness of the branch-line.

greetings Werner

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Pradip B. Mahadik,

see Acceptable Design for Unequal Wall Thickness

greetings Werner


Question 133.. small bore valve (2" and below) must be on rating 800#?

Dear Sir,
Is it true that all kind of small bore valve (2" and below) must be on rating 800#?
Can you explain to me about that or give me reference for it.
Regards, Wali Riansyah Z
Jr.Piping Engineer

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Wali,
My answer is NO.

Class 800 valves are covered in API 602.
Section 1 of API 602 stated "Class 800 is not a listed class designation, but is an intermediate class number widely used for socketwelding and threaded end compact valves."
Also API 602 is applicable to valve end flanges in accordance with ASME B16.5 and valve body "ends" having tapered pipe threads to ISO 7-1 or ASME B 1.20.1.
It is applicable to extended body construction in sizes and pressure Class of 800 and Class 1500, and to bellows and bellows construction as may be adaptable to gate or globe valves in sizes.

greetings Werner


Question 132.. can i use iso3506-01/iso 3506-02 instead of sa193/sa194?

Hi sir,
My actual requiremnt is SA193 Gr.8/SA 194 Gr.8 for Stud Bolt and Nut, can i use ISO3506-01/ISO 3506-02 instead of SA193/SA194.
please help with deatils
Thanks in Advance

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi pradeep,

Coincidence? I saw you question on another forum.

Question and Answers

The first answer of "gr2 vessels (mechanical)" is premature.
Yes you can's a statement that is baseless.
Both specifications matching things, but are not identical.

The second answer.. Compare both specifications. Composition, strength, application, restrictions, size and availability.
You will see differences in both specifications.

Who takes the decision to deviate from a customer specification?

You or the client?

greetings Werner


Question 131.. whats the diffrence between ball and orbit valve?

whats the diffrence between ball and orbit valve?
whats the exact application of orbit valve?

thank you in advance

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi pourmarjan,

see Ball Valve and ORBIT valve

greetings Werner



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