Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

160-151 questions

160. i'm asking you kindly to add new topics about painting...
159. i must say, i was impressed
158. can we switch back forth between si units and imperial units?
157. what kind of water should be used for a leak test?
156. no question
155. Wat is Killed Steel?
154. is it allowed by asme viii-1 to create a blind flange...?
153. i found a few references on prelude flng, so thanks for that
152. why there are loops in the piping? or what is the purpose of loops...?
151. does wermac ever get quotes requesting supports for fiberglass pipe?

Question 160.. i'm asking you kindly to add new topics about painting...

Hello Mr. Werner,
I hope this mail finds you in a good health.
It's my pleasure to write this E-mail for you to thank you for your awesome website which provides me with all information I need, honestly it is the best website I have ever found in the piping field.

Out of my desire to find your website more helpful for all engineers , I'm asking you kindly to add new topics about Painting for both pipes and steel it will be great especially for me.

Alaa El-Din Antar

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Alaa El-Din Antar,

Your question comes when I want to write a new article.
I've had your question earlier.

I am trying to describe this subject right and correct, but it takes a lot of time and knowledge.
Currently I am in contact with several paint companies.
What I hear is completely different.

Each company has its own policies and objectives.

Perhaps the various American standards give an answer.
I have yet to find out.

Currently, I can not really help...

greetings Werner


Question 159.. i must say, i was impressed

This email should be directed to the Website Supervisor and/or upper management..

I came across your web site while searching for some information about flanges.

The page that opened was about types of flanges. I must say, I was impressed.
The person or people who compiled the information, formatted it so nicely, laid it out so it flowed so well, must be commended.
I liked what I saw so much that I started clicking the other tabs to see what was available.
From Valves to Bolts to Steam, everything is so professionally done!
Even the advertisements were reasonable and not distracting.
I design publications, forms, flyers, and newsletters for my company so I can truly appreciate the thought and effort that has gone into your website.
Great job people! I'm emailing a link to my boss so he can see your website too.

Thank you for having such a valuable resource(s) available on the Internet.

Kevin Hopkins

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi Kevin Hopkins,


greetings Werner


Question 158.. can we switch back forth between si units and imperial units?

This is an excellent website. Is there any way we can switch back forth between SI units and imperial units.

David E. Vega
Project Engineer

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi David,

Thanks for your compliments.

Is there any way we can switch back forth between SI units and imperial units.

No, not at this time.
In a few weeks, I will show both units.

greetings Werner


Question 157.. what kind of water should be used for a leak test?

Estimados Srs.

Agradeceré mucho nos puedan apoyar para nos puedan indicar los parámetros químicos que debe cumplir el agua para usarse en una prueba de estanqueidad en un condensador hecho en acero inoxidable 304L.

Muchas gracias por su apoyo

Answer from Werner Sölken

Use Demineralised water.

Demineralised water is water completely free (or almost) of dissolved minerals as a result of one of the following processes..

  • distillation
  • deionization
  • membrane filtration (reverse osmosis or nanofiltration)
  • electrodyalisis
  • or other technologies

The amount of dissolved solids in water that has followed one of these processes could be as low as 1 mg/l and is in any case always less than 10 mg/l.

The electrical conductivity is generally less than 2 mS/m and may be
even lower (<.. 0,1 mS/cm).

Take a look at..

greetings Werner

Hola Werner

Agradezco mucho su atención a mi solicitud. Tomaremos en cuenta su propuesta.

Muchas Gracias


James O. Pennock

Don't have a FIT over miss-fits

Remarks from Werner Sölken

Recently I saw a picture incl. article from James O. Pennock.

In the picture you can see, that all kinds of forces are turned off, to get a piece of pipe to each other.

but not anymore!

20 years ago we have done so, but not anymore!

James, keep your Florida location, but try not to interfere with your standards.

greetings Werner


Question 155.. Wat is Killed Steel?

In the Netherlands get often the question.. what is killed steel?

Below, a short answer in Dutch

Answer from Werner Sölken

Staal dat volledig gedeoxideerd is, door toevoeging van een middel zoals silicium of alumimium, vóór het gieten.

Praktisch ontstaat er geen gasontwikkeling tijdens de stolling van het materiaal.

Killed Steel wordt gekenmerkt door een hoge mate van chemische homogeniteit, afwezigheid van porositeit, en daardoor een dichtere structuur.

Also take a look at the english version about Killed Steel.

greetings Werner


Question 154.. Is it allowed by asme viii-1 to create a blind flange...?

Dear Sir,

I have seen your website for quite awhile and i thought it was just a random websites but seeing it inside, i found that it has tons of information for piping and pressure vessels.
well done sir!

I have question here if its alright.

1. Is it allowed by asme viii-1 to create a blind flange machine from thick plate?

2. What is the ndt requirements?

Thank you very much.

John G

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi John G,

Yes, you may manufactured a blind flange from a plate.

The plate material should be in accordance with, e.g. ASTM A105, as it relates to carbon steel.

A material certificate should be available, and the batch (charge) number should be, by an approved body are stamped into the flange.

Use ASME B16.5/B16.47 for the dimensions and e.g. ASTM A105 for the material quality.

What is the ndt requirements?

In principle, there are no further non-destructive examinations necessary.
That, however, depends on the mind of your customer.

By the way ... thank you for your compliments on my website, and my name is Werner.

greetings Werner


Question 153.. i found a few references on prelude flng, so thanks for that

Dear Sir,

I found your website very informative, and you have obviously put a lot of work into it.

I wanted to personally thank you for producing such a good website. I started sharing the address with my Project / other Disciplines engineers, so that they learn the basic piping principles.

Additionally, I found a few references on Prelude FLNG, so thanks for that.

I hope that the past few and next youtube FLNG videos will give younger generations some interest in FLNG and piping in particular!

Kind regards, James Nafraicheur

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi James,

The "Prelude" project is so amazing.
The challenges for "Shell" are huge.

If you have more images or videos, let me know.

By the way ... thank you for your compliments on my website.

greetings Werner


Question 152.. why there are loops in the piping? or what is the purpose of loops...?

Dear Sir,
Wish you a great day.
My question is that why there are loops in the piping? or what is the purpose of loops in piping?

Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi, Sameer Moosa,

Take a look at my page.. Piping Flexibility

That' is my answer to your question.

If you have any other're welcome

greetings Werner


Question 151.. does wermac ever get quotes requesting supports for fiberglass pipe?

Does Wermac ever get quotes requesting supports for fiberglass pipe? We have a line of supports for fiberglass and HDPE supports that we can provide you pricing.
We would like to work with you do not have a source for supports for fiberglass and HDPE pipe.


Answer from Werner Sölken

Hi, Fred
I have often seen the advantage of fiberglass and HDPE supports, but I'm not the one who can make decisions about.
My client(s) determine what needs to be applied.
If you want, I can show your full address and the attachments that I have received.

greetings Werner



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