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Create a Safe & Healthy Workplace

Whether you work at a business, manage it, or own it, you all have the same goal - you don't want anyone to get hurt on the job.

And there's something each of us can do to make sure we all go home as whole as when we started the day. One step at a time, we can make our workplaces better places to work.

Safe and Healthy Workplace



In my opinion, the result of unsafe behavior, largely due to the current culture.


An accident happens, with a Xtool that is used for 50 years.

The next day or hour, the Xtool should never be used in the future.

Persons who forbid the Xtool, often never give an alternative.

Yes, they sometimes give alternatives, and that alternatives, in most cases, are totally unworkable, and often brings new dangers.

I can only talk about craftsmanship within Europe
(the Netherlands, Germany etc.)

What we already have no more, is the Craftsmanship with the necessary Knowledge.

Persons with skill, will be used the Xtool, in the correct manner, and no accidents will happen.

My call

Make sure you get professionals within your company, and you'll find out that your world is safer.

By the Way


"Leadership is accomplishing things that reach beyond solitary abilities by acting - and getting others to act - with a maturity that surpasses limited self-interest." -- John Baker, president of READY Thinking, an organizational and leadership development firm.


"Leadership is getting people to want to follow. That requires engaging them passionately, from the heart, and requires persuading people to change. Management is tactical; leadership is strategic." -- Tom Kennedy, a certified management consultant and principal of The Kennedy Group.

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I must be old. I still believe in respect
