American Water Works Association American Water Works Association

Who is AWWA?

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international nonprofit professional organization dedicated to improving drinking water quality and supply. The organization was founded in 1881 and in 2013 there were approximately 51,000 AWWA members worldwide.

AWWA is the largest organization of water professionals in the world, representing more than 100 countries. The members represent the full spectrum of the drinking water community... treatment plant operators and managers, scientists, environmentalists, manufacturers, academics, regulators and others who have a genuine interest in water supply and public health.

The organization publishes the Journal AWWA and also publishes standard practice and test articles for use by industry. Standing committees periodically review standards and update them as needed. An annual conference is held in the United States for the entire organization and several regional meetings and conferences around the world.

The organization achieves its mission through advocacy, communications, conferences, education and training, science and technology, and local action among 43 AWWA sections. The five Canadian sections are Ontario, Atlantic Canada, British Columbia, Quebec and Western Canada. AWWA provides a constant stream of reliable information on technology, trends and news through its journals, website and media. AWWA publishes a huge reservoir of standards, books, manuals, videos, electronic databases and reports for use by water professionals and others.

AWWA develops industry standards for products, processes and best practices that promote public health and safety. The AWWA Standards Program has been providing standards since 1908 and is internationally recognized as the ultimate source for scientific and management reference resources for the drinking water community. There are currently 132 AWWA standards for filtration materials, treatment chemicals, disinfection practices, meters, valves, storage tanks and ductile iron, steel, concrete, asbestos cement and plastic pipes and fittings.

Through QualServe, a voluntary quality improvement program for water utilities, AWWA helps water and wastewater utilities improve their overall operations and continually increase customer satisfaction and trust. QualServe provides a self-assessment tool, peer review and benchmarking to help utilities evaluate themselves and improve their performance.

AWWA provides numerous opportunities for people to meet, learn and network at the international, national and sectional levels. In addition to comprehensive conferences for water professionals, AWWA organizes a variety of workshops, symposia, teleconferences and programs focused on specific aspects of water management.

Drinking water

AWWA is an important resource for continuing education and development of water professionals. Materials and instruction are available through a variety of media, from traditional seminars to online courses, teleconferences and webcasts.

Together, these core competencies distinguish AWWA as the authoritative source for knowledge, information and advocacy to improve the quality and delivery of drinking water in North America and beyond. Through the collective strength of its members, AWWA helps everyone become better stewards of water for the greatest good of people and the environment.

Development of drinking water standards

In May 1985, the United States Environmental Protection Agency entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) to develop voluntary standards and a certification program for all direct and indirect drinking water additives. Other members of the consortium include AWWA. The consortium is responsible for collaboration among manufacturers, regulators, product users and other interested parties who develop and maintain NSF standards.

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