Pipe Rack

Pipe Racks

PIPE RACKS OR PIPE BRIDGES are structures designed and built specifically to support multiple pipes where adequate structure is not available. Pipe layout on pipe racks should follow the Pipe Planning Study concepts, which established in the preliminary engineering phase of a project.

Destination of a Pipe Rack

Pipe racks are necessary for arranging the process and service pipelines throughout the plant. A large number of process pipelines, flare lines and manifold lines running through this racks from one equipment to another, or from one unit to another.
Also attached is piping, leading to the utility group, such as water, steam, condensate, working air, instrumentation air and nitrogen.

Electrical power cables supported by cable ducts are also placed in the pipe rack, but separate from the pipelines. Air-cooled Heat Exchangers are often supported above pipe racks for economy of plot space.
A pipe rack is usually constructed of Hot-dip galvanized steel or concrete frames called bents, on top of which the pipeline rests.
Pipe racks are typically multi level. Pipes in a pipe rack are normally at a height where it is possible to walk underneath.
They are designed so that the clearance under the rack is sufficiently high that mobile lifting equipment can operate under the rack for maintenance purposes.

Some Pipe Rack specifications


Minimum head height

There should be an option

Ladders and Platforms

Pipe routing in a Pipe Rack

Clamped pipe shoes in a Pipe Rack

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